ANY Veteran
Suicide Is One
Too Many!

We sent them to defend our way of life,
and far too often we fail them when they return.
They deserve better from ALL of us!

Our Veterans don't find us;
We find them!

We bring DIGNITY and PURPOSE back into the lives of Veterans through PROACTIVE individual connections, basic support, community mobilization, and non-clinical alternative therapies.


Our strategic plan is what guides us as we grow this organization.  Click the button below to read it now!

Simple Steps That Will Make a Big Difference


Recycle, Recycle and Recycle!

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Save the ocean

Save The Ocean - Save Lives.

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Keep It Clean

Keep it clean

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Donate For a Better World

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Approximately 4 Billion Pounds Of Trash Per Year Enters The Ocean.

Make a Change.

Active Campaigns

+ 0
$ 0
Sea Turtles Saved
Love & Care
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If You're a Veteran or an Immediate Family Member...

And you’re stuck trying to make ends meet or fix some pressing issue, apply for assistance!

Our Volunteers Love To Share Their Thoughts

What We're Saying

Get informed about the benefits of alternative therapies, trends in the industry, success stories and more in our blog.

The Growing Option More Veterans Need To Know About

Studies show that spending time around animals helps to lower blood pressure and increases oxytocin levels. Therapies involving animals also reduce the levels of the stress hormone cortisol. These combined allow for better self-regulation, developing trust when a Veteran may otherwise struggle, and provide the Veteran with feelings of connection. Visit the link to find out why equine therapy is something you might want to consider.

Are You Depressed Or Does Life Just Suck?

Isolation can take a toll on us once we get out of the military.  We spend years around like minded peers, all focused on the mission, then one day, it’s just gone. To begin the process of finding our way back to the present, we must first understand there is a difference between isolation and solitude; here are four things you can do if you feel isolated.